Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Is Barak Obama the next Adolf Hitler? Our Man Punchcock find out.

I'm just putting it out there. I mean, when was the last time we had such a wonderful orator, i mean, the dudes amazing, whenever i hear him talk i just want to wrap myself in his voice. I wonder what Michelle Obama thinks, I can imagine her saying to him in bed "You think you could go down town?" and he'd reply in that silky baritone "Yes I can" and she'd sigh and lie back all contented. The inauguration was similar to some of Hitlers Nuremberg rallies, look at the amount of people, every time he takes a breath people cheer. And people follow him, without question! When was the last time there was someone in history that stood up in front of all those people and converted them on the spot to their cause. 1929-1944 is when.

I'd follow him. I stayed up last night to watch the inauguration but couldn't last it out. I mean, it was good and everything but those Americans just love to fill air-time with crap. Boring boring crap. But Mr Obama, man, i could just sit and listen to him read for hours. Apparently he is a remarkably calm person. Did you see all those people waiting to greet him? Do you remember Bush's inauguration? People threw eggs at him! Eggs! And there were riots. I'm sure if Obama had said "I want a line of people all ready and waiting to suck my cock" he'd have been presented with a scene similar to those clowns you see at circus side shows. You know, the plastic ones. With open mouths. Blower clowns i think they're called.

Now don't get me wrong, i fucking LOVE the guy. When he bought Michelle Obama up on stage and referred to her as his "best friend, the love of my life" I swear i teared up. I've never really felt like things might be OK if only the right person were in charge, but now, now i think that maybe its true, maybe the right person has come. Even if all Obama does is inspire us to hope, to strive for better things, that can't be bad can it? Suddenly waking up in the morning is not the negative that it used to be, suddenly it appears that tomorrow too, might be worth seeing through. I've never really felt this way before. There is a wave of positivity to be surfed all the way onto the new shores of tomorrow. You know?

I guess I've never had faith in anyone, I've never had the belief that one man could change the world. I expect the worst from everyone, EVERYONE, no matter who they are. In truth, i think I'd find it more personally satisfying to see Obama fail, but at the same time, i think that it would crush me entirely and it would ultimately be the thing that I'd use to reassure myself that this world is not worth living for. Last night as i was going to bed i heard people in another flat yelling (they were obviously watching the inauguration) and i had a terrible fear that someone had done the worst and the next great hope for the world was already dead, that the light that had flared in the darkness had already been extinguished. I got up and turned the television back on. To my relief, the flame burned on.

Is this wanky? I can't tell. I'm too blinded by devotion.

Also, I really wanted to swear more in this but it just didn't seem appropriate. Actually, could they stop fucking mentioning that cunt god? Every damn person who gets up on stage with a microphone has to fucking mention their bum-buddy G to the O-D.

I just served an extremely thin lady who was trying on dresses because she was 'pregnant'. The actually said "I have trouble finding any thing because I'm about to pop". I did not know that you could carry a phantom pregnancy full term. I guess with a black president, now anything is possible.

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