What the fuck? Wiggers suck.
Also, I was here on the weekend only it doesn't look as good as it does in these photos. Must be something about printing the address of an abandoned hotel that really draws in those with destructive tendancies. Personally, I would have left it was it was. Perhaps I am a purest but I think that abandoned buildings are much better when they have not been violated.
Or perhaps not. This stuff is totally up my alley.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Pop those trotters up here on my shoulders.
So gang how are we all today? Well I hope. I am excellent, the sun is out and its school holidays and people are happy just to be here. Outside lovers are throwing their arms around each other like is is 1945 and they are in times square ready to become an iconic photo that will be parodied years down the track. What I'm saying I guess is its a nice day to be here, which is not something I'd usually say.
So as a continuation of my week of firsts I got my first tattoo on the weekend. In a word, it was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. I think I liked the pain most of all. No joke. It made me have to have a bit of a think about pain and my relation to it and I came to some conclusions.
During my headache period I got to the stage where I was almost waiting for them to come, not because I liked the pain, but because the relief was so intense when they stopped that it was like taking really really nice drugs. I had a bit of the same thing with the tattoo but only I really liked the pain more than the relief. I think because I have experienced such extremes of pain with my Cluster Headaches that I'm kinda getting used to it. It becomes such a big part of my life that I almost welcome it, I am so used to its presence that I feel odd if it is not there. Perhaps a sort of Stockholm syndrome. After I left the tattoo studio I felt like I was on top of the world, the endorphin load was intense, I felt like I could have derailed a train with my cock is how tough I felt, like I could have just flipped that bad boy out and made some headlines.
I'm not explaining it very well, but when you do something every night at the same time with out fail you are bound to begin to expect it and perhaps miss it a little when it doesn't come. Is that crazy? I am having a hard time putting it into words, perhaps, I became so used to the almost constant pain that life without it was somehow lacking something. Now I have found a replacement that gives me a similar thrill without me wishing that I was dead. There, I think that's probably enough.
Worst explanation of someone discovering masochism ever.
So as a continuation of my week of firsts I got my first tattoo on the weekend. In a word, it was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. I think I liked the pain most of all. No joke. It made me have to have a bit of a think about pain and my relation to it and I came to some conclusions.
During my headache period I got to the stage where I was almost waiting for them to come, not because I liked the pain, but because the relief was so intense when they stopped that it was like taking really really nice drugs. I had a bit of the same thing with the tattoo but only I really liked the pain more than the relief. I think because I have experienced such extremes of pain with my Cluster Headaches that I'm kinda getting used to it. It becomes such a big part of my life that I almost welcome it, I am so used to its presence that I feel odd if it is not there. Perhaps a sort of Stockholm syndrome. After I left the tattoo studio I felt like I was on top of the world, the endorphin load was intense, I felt like I could have derailed a train with my cock is how tough I felt, like I could have just flipped that bad boy out and made some headlines.
I'm not explaining it very well, but when you do something every night at the same time with out fail you are bound to begin to expect it and perhaps miss it a little when it doesn't come. Is that crazy? I am having a hard time putting it into words, perhaps, I became so used to the almost constant pain that life without it was somehow lacking something. Now I have found a replacement that gives me a similar thrill without me wishing that I was dead. There, I think that's probably enough.
Worst explanation of someone discovering masochism ever.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Once and future king.
This week I have had two firsts. I used aftershave lotion for the first time this morning and I bought my first porn film this week. Sure, the porn was a pirate copy and the aftershave lotion was in a 2 dollar bin at my local Priceline, so you know, now I fucking want to kill myself. The amount of pathetic in my life is nearly equal to the amount of suck. No, suck seems to be winning. Great. Somebody had to take the lead I suppose.
So I'm going to talk about this porno. I've watched a few porn films in my life, not as many as you'd expect, maybe about 4? This one was called "Greedy Asses". It was not what I expected. So much violence directed towards the women. Choking, strangling, your basic dehumanisation. Call me crazy call me a pervert but I just can't get down like that. In one of the scenes one of the girls actually looks afraid, and that's before they start slapping her.
If I could just quote a line from the review, "I enjoyed the level-on community that was felt in this scene". Yeah, I really like the way they violently sodomised the young girl and how it was obvious that although she was there she was totally not into it and there was a feeling that if the cameras weren't there then it would have just been out and out rape. It seems to me that the film makers have worked out that if you only tell a girl half of whats going to happen, that way she doesn't have to act surprised when something awful happens to her. That way, the shock and pain on her face are genuine.
I know I know, you don't have to watch hardcore porn if you don't want to, there is no one forcing you. This is not my issue. I think pornography is a great thing but like all great things it can be abused. My issue is, and I've said it before, my issue is with how common place the violence is. In today's world, we learn a lot about sex from porn, don't say it isn't true or you'll be labeled a dickhead. What worries me is that people are learning the wrong things.
Aw fuck it. I don't really even care, I just thought maybe you might. I started this with an idea that I was going to be hilariously ironic and self deprecating but all I am realising is that I repeat myself over and over and what I originally said was not worth hearing in the first place. I was going to be all "Hey, isn't it hilarious how pathetic I am? Who else do you know that can spill such awkward truths?" The answer is, anyone with enough bile in them. It does not make me special that I hate myself, it just makes me sad and unapproachable. It's the same thing I found with the drunk Aborigines. What I once found amusing and entertaining I now find sad and indicative of whats wrong with it all.
Without a doubt, the passion has gone out of my life. I am tired and bored with whatever is presented to me. I couldn't care less about what is presented to me. I don't give a shit or a fuck and it's starting to show. There was a time recently where I would have bothered finishing this sent
So I'm going to talk about this porno. I've watched a few porn films in my life, not as many as you'd expect, maybe about 4? This one was called "Greedy Asses". It was not what I expected. So much violence directed towards the women. Choking, strangling, your basic dehumanisation. Call me crazy call me a pervert but I just can't get down like that. In one of the scenes one of the girls actually looks afraid, and that's before they start slapping her.
If I could just quote a line from the review, "I enjoyed the level-on community that was felt in this scene". Yeah, I really like the way they violently sodomised the young girl and how it was obvious that although she was there she was totally not into it and there was a feeling that if the cameras weren't there then it would have just been out and out rape. It seems to me that the film makers have worked out that if you only tell a girl half of whats going to happen, that way she doesn't have to act surprised when something awful happens to her. That way, the shock and pain on her face are genuine.
I know I know, you don't have to watch hardcore porn if you don't want to, there is no one forcing you. This is not my issue. I think pornography is a great thing but like all great things it can be abused. My issue is, and I've said it before, my issue is with how common place the violence is. In today's world, we learn a lot about sex from porn, don't say it isn't true or you'll be labeled a dickhead. What worries me is that people are learning the wrong things.
Aw fuck it. I don't really even care, I just thought maybe you might. I started this with an idea that I was going to be hilariously ironic and self deprecating but all I am realising is that I repeat myself over and over and what I originally said was not worth hearing in the first place. I was going to be all "Hey, isn't it hilarious how pathetic I am? Who else do you know that can spill such awkward truths?" The answer is, anyone with enough bile in them. It does not make me special that I hate myself, it just makes me sad and unapproachable. It's the same thing I found with the drunk Aborigines. What I once found amusing and entertaining I now find sad and indicative of whats wrong with it all.
Without a doubt, the passion has gone out of my life. I am tired and bored with whatever is presented to me. I couldn't care less about what is presented to me. I don't give a shit or a fuck and it's starting to show. There was a time recently where I would have bothered finishing this sent
Monday, September 14, 2009
Better than watching the footy.
I got these guys album today, mainly for a song which I saw on rage last weekend at about 2am. It's funny, sometimes being overtired and superbly stoned can influence your opinions on things, especially music. Turns out the album isn't actually that bad and I am looking forward to listening to this song over and over again when I turn 30 and am unable to get a working visa and am in the middle of regretting EVERYTHING that I've never done with my life. Oh it will be so bittersweet and I honestly can not see a way around it. I plan on a little rocking back and forth or maybe some sitting in a warm bath until it goes cold, crying. Yeah, that should do it. I don't need to wait until I'm middle aged, I can have my crisis right here and now. Excellent. In hindsight, however, I probably should have got the Mum album because I quite like them. Tomorrow.
Penis penis penis.
I recently bought the Band of Brothers DVD box set. It's excellent if you didn't know. It bought back many fond memories of when I holding the line in Bastogne. No, just kidding, it bought back many memories of an ex-housemate who used to get drunk and watch a particular episode over and over again. Ah alcoholism, how you nearly ruined us all.
There is some major construction work going on outside. Because of this, the store is unreasonable quiet. 2 hours 1 customer. Which reminds me of something, but I can't put my 'chicks eating shit straight from one anothers ass holes' finger on it. Maybe it will come to me after I vomit someones shit and piss all over the floor and then lick it up again.
So on the way home last night there was ANOTHER incident on Smith st. I am beginning to bore myself with these stories they are so common. I was telling my housemate about it last night and I found myself trailing off because I was sick of hearing it, sick of telling it, sick of it all really. I used to find huge entertainment value in these sorts of things but it is slowly wearing thin. Last night I watched an old Italian man get fed up with being asked for change and have a verbal go at one of the many drunk losers that hang outside the supermarket.
This other, old drunk Aboriginal guy sees what's happening and decides to go over and step in. This guy, the old drunk Aboriginal guy, lets call him Staggers, as in, Staggers the drunk clown. So Staggers goes up to the Italian guy and starts getting all in his face. The Italian guy is not really up for a fight, being about 65 and all and is more interested in getting his opinion across, which is fair enough. Staggers clearly just wants to start some shit and takes off his jacket all tough guy style. Because he is so drunk he almost falls over while doing this. That part in itself is pretty funny. The Italian guy is trying to get away with out having to fight him but Staggers is not backing down, doing the chest bump and every other antagonising thing that you could think of. The Italian guy tries backing off but Staggers wants to show him who's boss and swings him.
It doesn't connect and the Italian guy retaliates and socks Staggers who goes down, gets up again and catches a few more for his troubles. The old Italian man, who, may I remind you, is old, totally dominates Staggers and in the end one of the people crowded around watching (by now there are about 20 people) steps in and separates them, much like a parent prying two fighting children apart. A lady walks past me and says to her partner "What's this?" and I reply for him "This is Smith st". We laugh. Everybody goes home happy.
There is certainly something wrong with this picture. The fact that I am so desensitised that I watch this sort of stuff for fun now, the fact that I am so callous that I couldn't care who cops what, the fact that I am one incident away from turning into that old Italian guy and cutting loose. The fact that we joke about it like these peoples lives mean nothing to us. The sad fact that really, they don't just mean nothing, they are nothing. When I was a kid I wanted to be a social worker. Now that I am an adult, I am surprised that there are not more of these on the streets.
Penis penis penis.
I recently bought the Band of Brothers DVD box set. It's excellent if you didn't know. It bought back many fond memories of when I holding the line in Bastogne. No, just kidding, it bought back many memories of an ex-housemate who used to get drunk and watch a particular episode over and over again. Ah alcoholism, how you nearly ruined us all.
There is some major construction work going on outside. Because of this, the store is unreasonable quiet. 2 hours 1 customer. Which reminds me of something, but I can't put my 'chicks eating shit straight from one anothers ass holes' finger on it. Maybe it will come to me after I vomit someones shit and piss all over the floor and then lick it up again.
So on the way home last night there was ANOTHER incident on Smith st. I am beginning to bore myself with these stories they are so common. I was telling my housemate about it last night and I found myself trailing off because I was sick of hearing it, sick of telling it, sick of it all really. I used to find huge entertainment value in these sorts of things but it is slowly wearing thin. Last night I watched an old Italian man get fed up with being asked for change and have a verbal go at one of the many drunk losers that hang outside the supermarket.
This other, old drunk Aboriginal guy sees what's happening and decides to go over and step in. This guy, the old drunk Aboriginal guy, lets call him Staggers, as in, Staggers the drunk clown. So Staggers goes up to the Italian guy and starts getting all in his face. The Italian guy is not really up for a fight, being about 65 and all and is more interested in getting his opinion across, which is fair enough. Staggers clearly just wants to start some shit and takes off his jacket all tough guy style. Because he is so drunk he almost falls over while doing this. That part in itself is pretty funny. The Italian guy is trying to get away with out having to fight him but Staggers is not backing down, doing the chest bump and every other antagonising thing that you could think of. The Italian guy tries backing off but Staggers wants to show him who's boss and swings him.
It doesn't connect and the Italian guy retaliates and socks Staggers who goes down, gets up again and catches a few more for his troubles. The old Italian man, who, may I remind you, is old, totally dominates Staggers and in the end one of the people crowded around watching (by now there are about 20 people) steps in and separates them, much like a parent prying two fighting children apart. A lady walks past me and says to her partner "What's this?" and I reply for him "This is Smith st". We laugh. Everybody goes home happy.
There is certainly something wrong with this picture. The fact that I am so desensitised that I watch this sort of stuff for fun now, the fact that I am so callous that I couldn't care who cops what, the fact that I am one incident away from turning into that old Italian guy and cutting loose. The fact that we joke about it like these peoples lives mean nothing to us. The sad fact that really, they don't just mean nothing, they are nothing. When I was a kid I wanted to be a social worker. Now that I am an adult, I am surprised that there are not more of these on the streets.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Surprise package
A few things today. Not much though. How are you? I am well. I am very glad that I am not this complete tool. I wonder what Jay-Z has got to say about it. Besides "fuck off, nobody likes you Weezy, you're a fucked up coke head, keep my girls name out your mouth understand?" Seriously, what an ass hat. I hope some cracker bailed him up after the show and was all "Y'all listen to me nigger," not because over the top racism is funny but because it's what would offend Wankest the most.
Also, the irony of this website tickled me pink in a way that I did not expect. Sure, censoring porn stars when they are swearing my seem like a good idea on paper, as long as said paper is made out of trees only grown on the moral high ground and bleached with white pride. That doesn't even make sense but I'm not here to make sense. Actually, what am I here for?
Heard this song before? I don't think I've ever told you that my dream job would be to make film clips. I'd kill to be able to make a clip for this song. It would start with a man being chased through a forest wearing the remnants of a dinner suit, maybe a mask like this but in black.
I liked this a lot. If you are not familiar with the Onion, familiarise yourself now.
There was a massive brawl on Smith st the other day. The police came down and doused everyone in capsicum spray. It was apparently awesome.
Also, the irony of this website tickled me pink in a way that I did not expect. Sure, censoring porn stars when they are swearing my seem like a good idea on paper, as long as said paper is made out of trees only grown on the moral high ground and bleached with white pride. That doesn't even make sense but I'm not here to make sense. Actually, what am I here for?
Heard this song before? I don't think I've ever told you that my dream job would be to make film clips. I'd kill to be able to make a clip for this song. It would start with a man being chased through a forest wearing the remnants of a dinner suit, maybe a mask like this but in black.
I liked this a lot. If you are not familiar with the Onion, familiarise yourself now.
There was a massive brawl on Smith st the other day. The police came down and doused everyone in capsicum spray. It was apparently awesome.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Fucking whatever
Today I am having a predatory day. I feel like a predator in a field full of game, my teeth are sharp and my eyes are keen, I smell blood on the wind and I want some. Today would be a good day to run, to get out on a track and try and run it all out of me. Run until I can’t run no more, then run again. Run until I vomit. This is how lions of the Serengeti must feel. Or wolves, when they wake up in the morning with the sun coming in through the clouds. I honestly can’t decide whether I want to hunt something down and fuck it or kill it. All the same yeah?
To be honest with you I am much more Hyena than anything else. I am the scavenger, the one who lurks around just on the edge of everything, waiting.
This made me smile and acknowledge that humans are ok. This made me feel sick. When this happened last year I felt very sad for the poor young lady. Can you imagine, you and your boyfriend are naked somewhere, there has been sex and drinking, you are both high on life and indestructible as you drive down a highway screaming with laughter. He reaches across and lays a hand on your thigh, you look at him and think "So this is what it feels like to be a little bit in love".
This post has sucked. My damn shop smells like cats piss and I don't even have a cat. In fact, here's where I could use some sort of 'hilarious' pussy joke but instead I'll just stop.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
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