Tuesday, July 21, 2009

C wat u did thar

So did anyone notice the incredible hypocrisy's in the last post? Like how I went on about that stupid church and their anti pornography stance and then how the internet is a powerful tool that should be used with a bit of thought and foresight. Tre’ ridiculous don’t you think?

I wish not to retract my statement but to clarify. Publishing photos of people on the internet because they don’t agree with your particular form of repression is an abuse of media, in my humble opinion, and should be avoided.

Saying that, I hate the religious right. I hate them so much. Catholics, Christians, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, fuck, Jedi for all I care, they all suck. Anything with "fundamental" at the beginning is bound to be fraught with dangers. This whole anti abortion no sex ed thing that seems to be happening in America at the moment borders on malevolent. That’s why I’m glad that there are sites like this for girls and this for boys.

Also, don't get me (a man) started on the whole pro-life thing. It's a woman's body and a woman's choice. Fuck you if you don't like it. Pro-life + abstinence only sex education = heaps of unwanted little children running around being 'loved' by people only because its obligatory. If I were in a situation where a woman wanted to have my abortion there's not a whole lot I could do about it. I could ask her not to, but that's it.

But, there is another point of view that I hold, because I am a tricky fucker and don't like things being uncomplicated.

We are raising a generation of women to be our sex toys. All this sex in the media, in music, in everything, it ain't healthy. I know, and its ME saying this. Perhaps if we were a little more mature about it instead of being so easily titillated it might be different, but at the moment we are treating it as a commodity that can be bought and traded. We have convinced women that they are only as valuable as their bodies are appealing. After years of glorifying strippers and selling this whole "sex is power" idea we have managed to trick women into believing that the most important part of them is front and centre and a bit down south. I have tried to get this idea across before but I have real trouble expressing it.

It's funny, as men we seem so surprised that women have these amazing things called vagina's. I mean, I've probably seen a million different vagina's now but pop a real one down in front of me and I turn into a directionless mess. What did Vice magazine say about them, "hairy smiling like they own the place." And they do, at least, they own any place where I happen to be.

I tell you, after a year of shitting whilst reading Vice, I have most of the articles memorised. I actually served someone that was in the kids issue earlier today. I almost said, "hey, aren't you from Vice, like, 3 years ago?" but I didn't want to scare him. He looked like puberty was really taking its toll on him. I wonder what happened to the girl that was in the article with him. She was one sexy 13yr old.

And that's it, I'll catch you later when I perform another of my amazing moral back flips whilst twisting out of my own grip. I'm like my very own sideshow.

I'm sorry. *NOTE* at the end of this post I put a link in the word sideshow to a bunch of very offensive photos, for which I apologise, hence, "I'm sorry". I had a massive anxiety attack last night that the wrong person would see it, so the first thing I did this morning was take it down. How's that for having a spine?

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