Monday, July 20, 2009

One or two things.

If you had to choose one super power out of the following, which would you chose?

The ability to known when there is a prosthetic limb in the room. It works a bit like Spidermans spider sense. But for prosthetic limbs.

So which one did you chose? How handy would that be on a date, right? Or on the tram this morning when I couldn't figure out if that guy had a fake arm or not. I'd use that shit all the time, I'd go into a restaurant and be like "*sniff sniff* I think I smell fake leg. Everybody wait while I source it out". Then I could bet with my friends who had the fake leg, and I would win every time.

So have you ever been to this website. I doubt it because you probably aren't a right wing christian fuck face. These people are in line with that church that protests military funerals, whatever the fuck they're called. The Westboro Church of people with A.B.I's, Fred Phelps I think is the founders name. Anyway, basically, the christian right is protesting a porn store in middle America, somewhere in Indiana, I don't really care all that much but go have a look at the stupid website to see how fucking retarded these people are. Check their opinions page, especially the opinions that are written dripping with sarcasm and irony that is obviously missed.

I am also very anti-internet censorship. I used to think that the interent was only porn and violence then I realised, it was all that I was searching out so of course that's what I thought.
Now that I have discovered lolcats I understand that the internet is not just porn and violence, its image macros of animals too! True, the internet makes for faster proliferation of some types of pornography ie CP in all its gory, but as the latest political unrest in Iran 'showed' us, the internet can be a handy tool as well.

Maybe look at it like this, what if when power drills came out all they were used for was drilling holes in your dick, you wouldn't like them would you? You'd be all "yeah, I can see the point, they drill holes in your dick" but you would probably finish that statement up with "but I don't want anymore holes that I already have". All it takes is one guy to knock up a quick coffee table and secure the legs with his dick drill and everyone would be all over it, you know? Its this whole 'association' thing. People associate the internet with pornography and gross pornography at that. All we need to do is shift the focus. Twitter almost turned the web into one big political discussion which was good, but after a while everyone went back to checking The Hun and promptly forgot about it. Which is fine, baby step baby steps, but it would be nice if we could stay on track.

What we need is one major political event per week that the liberal white community can get behind and blog about from their (our) couches in Fitzroy. Something involving human rights, perhaps some sort of sexism against women and inadequate health care and people of colour. Not too dark, mind you, but dark enough that if were to be seen with them we could hope that someone would say something like "Aww, isn't that progressive". You know? Maybe an Arab race, I hear they are really popular now amongst the left. And very unpopular amongst the right, which works in the lefts favor.

Wow, this is easier than I thought.

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