Monday, July 13, 2009

A new day and format

So, I've given it a bit of thought and with some helpful suggestions from friends I have decided to take this whole thing in another direction, so expect a lot of links and more user friendly content. Sure, I'm still gonna rant and rage and swear and talk about cocks but hopefully in a more mature, pleasant way. Also, now hopefully women won't be afraid to read it and hopefully in turn, they won't be afraid of me. Positive re-enforcement.

So to start. I don't do cute. Cute makes me sick. The quickest way to get rid of me is to baby talk to me. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's gross and I hate it. Saying that though, I found this super cute website called 'Twinkie Chan'. Go there and buy some shit. Also check out her website called 'I eat yucky stuff' which, in my opinion, is a new form of pornography that we humans are yet to explore. Thanks to her for bringing it to us.

God, she is so ridiculously cute it hurts. Also, how fucking cool are her clothes? I bet she's super high maintenance. Says me who can't even look after himself. Can I also just say that if she were to start shooting heroin or getting fuck wasted and throwing up on herself it would only endear her to me, not the other way round. As it is, she is almost a bit cute. Perhaps a video of her taking a shit would balance things out nicely.

So, has anyone ever wondered what a meme is? Have you been confuzzled by the O RLY owl, amazed yet mystified by the Technoviking? Wonder no longer, go to 'Know your meme' and they will explain it for you. Because I spend most of my day on the internet (even though I work) I often run into things which I don't understand because I am only 12 (c wut I did thar). Here's where I'd usually tell you to go to 4chan but lets face it, you wouldn't understand it and it's the worst of the worst.

And finally, something we all enjoy, 'Girls with glasses'. Hummanah hummanah.

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