Saturday, April 24, 2010

Deep in the arms of my favourite leper.

Well hello there, is this thing on? Testing testing, one two one two. It's good to be back, I've been away trying something new and different but unfortunately, it did not quite work out. I gotta say, I missed you baby, I missed you and all of your fucked-upedness, I missed you cold cynical humor and I missed your warm comforting naivety. Now I'm here in your arms though, I can think of nothing to say.

Here are some things.

I got my first headache of the year today. I've had a few sort of mild ones, but today I had my first sort of proper one. It wasn't too bad, although it did leave me feeling retarded for the rest of the day. I forgot how dumb they make me. I just couldn't think. I kind of liked that. It was a nice break.

I was watching 50 First Dates and I found myself getting emotional. What the fuck is up with that.

I'm watching Dr No on tv and James Bond just got held up by a guy wearing what are very obviously womens sunglasses.

I ran into a girl the other day whom I'd had some sort of liaison with years ago and apparently written something offensive about her in one of my blogs. I can't even remember what it was and just then when i tried to find it I couldn't find anything. She seemed to still hold a grudge. Which was funny, because she has gotten fat.

I've been having these surprisingly dirty conversions with someone who I had previously thought of as very coy. Its hot. I'm wondering how I can make them dirtier and physical. Suggestions please.

It turns out that I couldn't even be bothered with this. Some other time perhaps.